Al Ofoq organize a workshop in collaboration with Students Forum “The consequences of the postponement of the local elections”


    7 November 2016, Ramallah, Al Ofoq Foundation in collaboration with Students Forum Foundation, organized a workshop on the subject of “The consequences of the postponement of the local elections, which were scheduled to be held on 8 October 2016. This workshop was a part of Consensual Democracy Project, which is implemented by Students Forum. The meeting presented many topics like the need to involve young people for exercising pressure on decision-makers in political parties they belong to. This is with the aim to accelerate the holding of local elections and to exercise their right to choose their representatives in local councils. They aimed also, to expand the scope of the elections for including legislative and presidential elections and all sectors of syndicates, unions and others. Moreover, they aimed to urging youth to hold internal elections “Primers” for choosing the best in the representation of the part or the frame to which they belongs.


    The meeting addressed also the role of Palestinian women and the importance of involving them in the political and local work. In addition, it presented the need to make modifications in the cultural heritage which gives priority to the tribe in the selection of candidates and the direction of vote.


    The audience also discussed the proposed electoral system in its positive and negative aspects. Then, the participants resumed a series of recommendations, including the need to make social mobility in terms of civil society institution, the Central Election Commission, universities, academics and intellectuals. These recommendations aimed to a depth discussion of the proposed electoral system for getting an electoral system fits with the Palestinian reality. Additionally, to lifting those outputs for decision-makers and relevant authorities in order to achieve the higher interests of the Palestinian.


    The meeting was presented by Dr. Ramzi Odeh, CEO of the Students Forum, and Mr. Isam Akel, a member of the Board of Directors of Al Ofoq Foundation for Youth Development. In conclusion, the meeting was managed by Ibrahim Suleiman, director of training department at Al Ofoq.